Present:  D. Barnes, P. Ceo, P. Bunten, L. Crossey, Jim Roth, R. Amsler, D. Blough, P. Lilley, D. Cunkle

Absent:  Jim Low, B. Westlake, B. Hubbard

Guest:  Louise Low


Meeting called to order at 7:05 by D. Barnes.


SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Minutes from the October 23 board meeting provided.  Motion to approve P. Bunten, Seconded J. Roth Passed.


TREASURER’S REPORT:    CD:    $12,341.05

                                                 CHKG: $ 7,125.46


                                                TOTAL: $19,466.51

Move to accept. Motion passed.


RUBY TUESDAY GIVE BACK DAY – NOVEMBER 6, 2013. Dick Cunkle received notice that SBFG will receive $115.91.  Check not yet received.  David Blough moved to set Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at next Give Back Day. Seconded by Pat Lilley.  Passed.  Dick Cunkle will notify Ruby Tuesday.



The event went very well.  The church was nice and spacious.  Would be a nice location for another event if the church allows.


SBFG ANNUAL MEETING – Date is confirmed for January 12, 2014 at City Hall.  SBFG from 2-3:30 PM.   SLFC from 3:30-5:00 PM.


SBFG BOARD MEMBERS TERMS –Pat Lilley will continue as a Board Member.  Rolf Amsler will continue as treasurer. David Blough, Dick Cunkle, Jim Roth and Lucy Crossey will not be continuing as Board Members in 2014.


BOARD MEETING DATES FOR 2014 The following dates have been confirmed:

January, 22, February 26, March 26, April 23, May 28, June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 19.  None in December.  The meetings will be held at 7 PM in the Primrose Kitchenette at Brecon.


BRECON NIGHT – APRIL 25, 2014.  There will be no charge for the use of the American Legion. Legion is willing to advertise this event on their sign outside the building.  Ticket cost -- $20. Menu to be finalized.  Some changes for the event include: selling tickets in advance, increasing advertisement, and offering several locations to purchase tickets.  Entertainment:  “Sugar Factory” group was popular last year.  Dottie Barnes will approach them to perform again next year.


PUBLICITY AND INCREASED VISIBILITY FOR THE SBFG –Declining membership and aging of members is an issue.  Suggestions include: updating the website – Don Shelton has managed that in the past. Advertising through the local papers.  In the past word of mouth and personal invitation have proved most effective. President D. Barnes is requesting a volunteer to chair publicity.


FIDDLERS VISIT TO BRECON – 2013.  D. Cunkle has spoken with John Wharton, parent chaperone of the most recent Fiddlers’ trip.  He is interested in more info on the SBFG.  D. Cunkle and D. Barnes will draft a letter inviting the parents of the Fiddlers’ to join the SBFG. The letter will be emailed to L. Crossey who will forward to Board Members for review.  This to be accomplished prior to the annual meeting.


Motion to adjourn meeting by P. Bunten. Seconded P. Ceo. Approved.  Adjourned at 8:10 PM.


NEXT BOARD MEETING --- January 22, 2014 7 PM.  Annual meeting:  Sunday, January 12, 2014.  2-3:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Lucy Crossey
