2019 Culver Cousins Reunion

The 107th Annual Culver Cousins Reunion

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Tracy Shelton and Ryan Marion & Greg and Kerry Shelton

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Saline, Michigan

56 people attended the 107th Culver Cousins Reunion hosted by Tracy Shelton and Ryan Marion and by Greg and Kerry Shelton in Saline Michigan on August 11, 2019. A wonderful potluck meal was served with chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs grilled by Ryan Marion to perfection.


Our patriarch Bernie Pepper was the most senior attendee at 87

Two year old Annabella Hopkins was the youngest

Family Historian Marjorie Shelton reviewed the history and lineage of the descendants of Phineas Culver

Co-hosts Greg and Kerry Shelton displayed some of their antique tractor collection

Co-hosts Tracy Shelton and Ryan Marion

107th Culver Cousins Reunion  Minutes

56 people attended the 107th Culver Cousins Reunion hosted by Tracy Shelton and Ryan Marion and by Greg and Kerry Shelton in Saline Michigan on August 11, 2019. A wonderful potluck meal was served with chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs grilled by Ryan Marion to perfection.

Births were noted: Tucker Leon Clagg; Ezra Culver and Abbott Culver

Deaths: William Shelton and Melvin Little

Marriages: Brendon and Ann Marie Cochran

The oldest in attendance was Bernie Pepper aged 87 and the youngest was Annabella Hopkins aged 2 years.

The minutes of the 2018 reunion were read and adopted.

Historian Marjorie Shelton discussed the history of the Culver Cousins Reunion. She told of her recent research into the first wife of Phineas Culver, Electa Harkness and how confusion and assumptions can lead to a misunderstanding of ancestors and their relationships. For example she mentioned that there were two Phineas Culvers living in upstate New York around the same time and some researchers assume they are the same person. She emphasized the importance od DNA research in modern genealogy.

President Don Shelton described developments in the use of genetic genealogy to solve crimes and the “informed consent” and ethical issues involved in submitted DNA samples. Greg and Kerry Shelton brought 4 of their antique tractors to display and young Max described the 1938 yellow Avery and the Red Farmall tractors. The children enjoyed sitting on the tractors and also enjoyed a water slide and sprinkler ball. Don answered questions about the caboose on the property and its restoration.

Entertainment: 9 year old Makayla Shelton demonstrated her softball pitching skills. 4 year old Max Shelton showed his base sliding technique and his 5 year old brother Mason showed his baseball pitching form.

Officers were elected” Don Shelton, President; Tracy Shelton, Vice-President; Jennifer Frost, Secretary; and Marjorie Shelton, Historian

Makayla Shelton passed a softball glove for the collection to reimburse the hosts and make the contribution for the Mooreville Cemetery.